Sunday, June 3, 2012

Behavior Therapy

You have to watch this clip. It is titled "Cognitive behavioral Therapy"...which is not correct. I see this as Behavior Therapy more so then Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Either way, wow is it funny! Now that we've had our laugh for today, let's get on to the matter at hand!

B.F. Skinner
Albert Bandura

Arnold Lazarus

Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.
-B.F. Skinner

B.F. Skinner, Arnold Lazarus and Albert Bandura are the primary originators of Behavior Therapy.

The Primary goals of this form of therapy are to have clients eliminate bad behaviors and learn better replacement behaviors. Clients to this by identifying what causes their behaviors and find ways to corrent the poor behaviors in their lives. Clients take a very active role in their therapy, treatment, and evaluation.

The key concepts of Behavior Therapy are heavily based on therapy and treatment. The specifying of goals, development of treatment plans, and evaluation of therapy outcomes are focused on and the clients present behavior is given the most attention.

Therapy techniques include "reinforcement, shaping, modeling, systematic desensitization, relaxation methods, flooding, eye movement and desensitizaion reprocessing, cognitive restructuring, assertion and social skills training, self-management programs, mindfulness and acceptance methods, behavioral rehearsal, coaching, and various multimodal therapy techinques" (Corey, 2013, p. 484). The therapist will concentrate on questions like how, what and when, but not why to diagnose and find treatments. It is also common to have contracts and homework in the course of the treatment.


Corey, G. (2013). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Belmont, C.: Brooks/Cole,
Cengage Learning.

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